All Ozarks Tech locations will be closed Wednesday, Feb. 19 due to winter weather.

At Ozarks Technical Community College, we offer a variety of exceptional programs and concentrations, ensuring you’re ready to hit the ground running in your chosen field. Whether you’re aiming to continue your education or start your career quickly, we provide affordable options to get you started.



My Dream...

Where Her Dreams and Plans Intersect

“I know there is a well-paved path of livelihood for my children and my husband because of what I have gained at OTC.”


A Child's Challenges Lead Mom To Ozarks Tech

“I went back to school because I was living paycheck to paycheck, and I wanted more for my kids. I’m grateful for all the opportunities and encouragement from OTC.”


When thinking about college,
my top priorities are ...

Many Ozarks Tech students do not take out federal loans. They didn’t need to. College should be accessible to everyone. We make it so. Enjoy an incredibly affordable, high-quality education. That is what makes Ozarks Tech a smart investment.

See how you can afford it

You do have time. Over 50% of Ozarks Tech student take one online course. Take online courses according to your schedule, just as a majority of our students do. And you choose the pace. Take one course or take three. You find the time and we’ll fill it. We are an established leader in online education.

At Ozarks Tech, we offer lots of help to make sure you succeed. You can get help with your classes, planning your career, and even find scholarships. Whether you’re a first-time college student, a veteran, just finished high school, or are going back to school as an adult, we’re here to welcome you. Our teachers and community resource specialists are he